Monday, April 10, 2006

Trials of Unemployment

Okay, so I am not TOTALLY unemployed! But Monday was my first day of not working at the school in a very long time. The worst part ~ the withdrawal. I had NO idea how much and how often I was eating at work; students would bring me little treats, a salad here, soup there, a bread roll, a cookie, some lunch etc. It wasn't until I was at home on a weekday, all by myself, that I realised I was doing this. This day has been like the first day after quiting smoking. My skin crawls, I keep getting up to grab a drink of milk, maybe a handful of nuts or chocolate chips then stopping myself as I realise what I am doing! I have been concerned about the fact that I FELT like I was eating nothing and I was unable to lose any weight; looks like I solved that mystery.
I know this blog has been mostly about the decadent stuff, the over the top, but i am concerned about my health ~ I don't feel energised, I feel drained and bloated. I decided to start eating the way I want, and then I got into some natureopathic stuff about blood type/type of food you should eat. I am not sure if I buy it fully, but many of the things that I crave when I am feeling unhealthy are on this list of foods I *should* eat.
Anyway, I don't want to bore anyone; trust me, I am not turning this blog into a "diet" site (I do have sausages to make this week). I am just warning you that there might be some healthier food making an appearance on these pages. Plus I am trying to distract myself from the block of cheese in the fridge. Sneak peek at tonight's dinner? Tempeh Tacos.....


kickpleat said...

wow, that's exactly how i feel today. i think it was the lack of vegetables in my diet today and too many pretzels. sigh. just wanted to say, i know how you feel!

Anonymous said...

I miss you and I can't wait to hang out with you when school's done to make conversation about healthy eating. I want to pick your brain.
xox Julien

Erika W. said...

I hear you completely on the eating healthier! I'm looking forward to seeing your posts on the matter. You are definitely not he only food blogger trying to change things up a bit. :-)

Unknown said...

kickpleat and erica, glad to know that I am not alone out here in Food Blog Land.

Julien, you know the number, give me a call when you are done. Oh and good luck on your finals!

Dawna said...

¡Viva las recetas sanas! Okay, my Spanish sucks... I'm all for healthy recipes AND luxurious ones that involve large blocks of cheese. Your food always looks delicious to me.

s'kat said...

I'm with you on the trying to eat healthier idea. Problem is, I keep failing miserably at the follow through.

Perhaps seeing your healthier meals will be just the inspiration I need!

Cat said...

healthy is always good and im constantly looking for new ideas, bring them on ;)